The existence of aliens has long been a debating point among conspiracy theorists and space experts. Even though space agencies like NASA have long refuted claims of alien existence, they are still on the hunt to find extraterrestrials which may be living in the outer space.
In November 2021, a photo from China’s Yutu 2 Rover was released showing a cube-shaped object found on the farside of the Moon. According to JP, a pseudonym for my longtime source who currently serves with the US Army, China’s space force (the People’s Liberation Army Strategy Support Force) and US Space Command have recently begun joint missions to explore the object, and that he participated in one of the first missions. JP claims that early in the morning of December 23, he was sent to a secret research facility on the Moon on a triangle-shaped antigravity vehicle, and was then taken to the giant spacecraft that was partially submerged under the lunar surface. JP says part of the craft’s exterior had been discovered by China’s Yutu 2 rover, and that a joint operation to explore the craft, which was the size of two aircraft carriers had begun between US Space Command and the PLA’s space force. story on the mystery object discovered by Yutu 2: JP said the giant alien spacecraft was discovered when it began to activate after an extraterrestrial fleet entered our solar system in October, and parked itself between Jupiter and Ganymede. JP participated in an earlier classified mission to Ganymede where he met with some of the extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his role in the classified Moon mission and what he witnessed first-hand. Source: The Museum of Ethnography in Ankara, Turkey houses many historical and extremely valuable treasures, but among them there is a “secret bible” that is more valuable than any others. A document titled Project Pulsar claims to have unearthed some dangerous information on aliens, UFOs, and other secret government programs. The document stated that the content that was made public is believed to be the personal notes of a scientist, who was contracted by the US government over the years. The scientist was asked to visit crash sites, interrogate aliens life forms that were captured, and analyze the data. The creators of the document have not named the scientist, but claim that the expert had made notes during his encounters with extraterrestrial life forms and UFO crash sites. The document also claimed that the scientist was later discovered to have maintained personal notes and was scheduled for termination. However, before that could happen, he fled the country. The notes made by the scientist details different alien races, their biology, and the language used for interaction. The document uploaded by Auricmedia also throws light on nine different languages used by aliens: Nordic, Pleiadian, Vegan, Syrius, K’Thai, Orion, Antarian, Grey Universal, and Universal Communication symbols. The document also sheds light on alien pharmacology for human beings. The research claims that aliens are skilled at Psionic Power (the ability to mentally control surroundings, rearranges or create matter and/or project illusions). The document brings to the fore certain government projects that have not been disclosed to the public. As case in point is Project MK-ULTRA. The report claimed that during the first world war, Germany discovered alien life forms with high-end technology from the outer space. “Several alien races have been monitoring the human genetic process for millennia. Their presence on Earth has turned more intense because during this last century (1900s), we started genetic change, at first very slowly, and then very quickly. Their reprosits were finally happening, but the technological psychic new human being was growing up very fast and out to control the aliens,” the document said. According to the report, the MK-ULTRA Project is an ongoing Central Intelligence project. The sole objective of the project is mind control. The U.S. Intelligence has also been involved in other infamous high-tech procedures such as erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestions, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, and non-ionizing radiation, the document revealed. As to the question of hostile takeover by aliens, the report suggests that the assumption of hostility is illogical. “If ETIs have been observing, and to some extent interacting with Earth for centuries, why delay a hostile occupation? The rather marked increase in UFO and ETI activities coinciding with the dawn of the human nuclear age in the mid-1940s would indicate a genuine concern about human hostile capabilities,” the report said. This might mean that the aliens are concerned for the long-term welfare and survival of humans or concerned about the potential for human aggression being exported off the earth to their extraterrestrial civilizations. Earlier this year, a former government emergency expert made a deathbed confession about the Area 51 military base. He revealed that he was shown inside an alien flying saucer at the base, a report by Express stated. Chronicles from the Future tells a remarkable story about a bizarre and incredible event experienced by Paul Amadeus Dienach, the author, who lived during the beginning of the previous century in central Europe. Dienach claims that during his one-year comatose state, brought about by a serious illness, his consciousness travelled to the future in a different body and stayed there for the entire duration of his coma. Although this sounds impossible and indeed fanciful, Dienach’s written account was taken very seriously by the Freemasons, who kept his book as a closely guarded secret.
Russell Targ is a physicist and author, a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, and a cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) investigation of psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.
SRI is a research and development think tank in Menlo Park, California. Called remote viewing, his work in the psychic area has been published in Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), and the Proceedings of the American Association the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Targ has a bachelor’s degree in physics from Queens College and did his graduate work in physics at Columbia University.
He has received two National Aeronautics and Space- Administration awards for inventions and contributions to lasers and laser communications.
In 1983 and 1984 he accepted invitations to present remote-viewing demonstrations and to address the USSR Academy of Science on this research.
He is author or co-author of nine books dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities and Buddhist approaches to the transformation of consciousness, including Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability (with E. Harold Puthoff, 1977, 2005); Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (with Jane Katra, 1998); and Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness (2004).
He also wrote an autobiography, Do You See What I See: Memoirs of a Blind Biker, in 2008. His current book is The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities.
As a senior staff scientist at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Targ developed airborne laser systems for the detection of windshear and air turbulence. Having retired in 1997, he now writes books on psychic research and teaches remote viewing worldwide. Below is a planned talk by RusseLl for TED that was cancelled by TED. Not surprisingly, some of the most interesting TED talks have been cancelled, author Graham Hancock’s “The War on Consciousness” was banned, and so was scientist Rupert Sheldrake’s, titled “The Science Delusion.” When it comes to topics within the realms of parapsychology, like ESP, they often fiercely oppose the belief systems of many, despite the fact that publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature have examined this topic for more than a century, with some fascinating results. Obviously there is something to this, otherwise the CIA and other agencies around the world would not devote decades of research to studying this topic in depth. For more information on/from Russell Targ, please check out his website here. Enjoy! Interesting stuff to say the least. Had a child recently? Well, here’s something you might want to prepare yourself for. By the time wedding bells are ringing your new son- or daughter-in-law could very well be a robot. A perplexing video allegedly leaked by a law enforcement officer appears to show a hairy creature, that some believe to be Bigfoot, trying to bury a game camera. According to the man who supplied the video to the website Sasquatch Chronicles, he obtained the footage from a colleague working in the remote forests of Northern California. Allegedly, the game camera had been used by law enforcement as a possible way of spotting marijuana growers operating in the area. The device which supplied the footage was purportedly placed "27 miles back in the Sequoia National Forest, not accessible by vehicles, only ATV, then foot." When the law enforcement officers went to retrieve the cameras, the source says, they were stunned to discover this particular piece of footage. Whenever we write about the Inner Earth, aka Hollow Earth, and the numerous ancient cultures that mention a place within our planet where there is life, we encounter hostility. But why? Is it because the existence of such a place contradicts everything we have been told in the past? Or is it because we are blindly following mainstream dogmas that have been put into place in the past telling us it’s impossible’? The idea that our planet is Hollow can be traced back thousands of years. And like other popular accounts, nearly all ancient cultures speak of certain places on Earth where we can access the inner world. One such culture are the Ancient Hopi. Not only did the ancient Hopi believe their Gods inhabited the inner parts of the Earth, they depicted mysterious Ant-like beings and flying shields thousands of years ago. Interestingly, their legends also speak of a great flood which is a clear parallel to ancient Sumerian legends of the Great Flood. If we take a look at the ancient Hopi and their beliefs we will find that this ancient culture claims that their ancestors did not arrive from the north, not by ship, but from below the surface of the Earth. In fact, the ancient Hopi indicate that the specific location of the Hopi legend is inside the Grand Canyon, where there are mysterious entrances to the inner earth. The stories of native Indians claim that the Grand Canyon was formed by the result of a great flood, which drowned the former third world, sent upon those who had forgotten the way of divinity. The Hopi cosmology specifies that this is the place where the Hopi emerged from their underground shelter after the flood had destroyed the Third World. In fact, there are numerous theories that suggest there are numerous entry points located in the Canyon, and one of the is honored in ceremony as the dwelling of an ancient parent race. This magical site is sacred and off limits to anyone but the Hopi people. Further stories indicate that in the distant past, the ancient Hopi were assisted by mysterious beings, commonly referred as insects, ants, that inhabited regions of the inner world. The ancient Hopi speak of their deities as ‘ant people.’ In fact, some of the petroglyphs found near Mishongnovi, Arizona, created by the ancient Hopi depict the enigmatic beings with antennas’ offering an idea of how these strange ant-men looked like. Interestingly, not everything is based on legends and stories. It is said that in the past, the Smithsonian institute – which has been called out for hiding ‘controversial discoveries’ — discovered a number of artifacts inside a huge cave with intricate passages and rooms, with tablets bearing strange hieroglyphs. An article published by the Arizona Gazette on April 5, 1909, says that the Grand Canyon was once home to a lost civilization, which consisted of beings of gigantic proportions. The article published over 100 years ago indicates that a massive underground citadel was also discovered by an explorer called G.E. Kinkaid who stumbled across it while rafting on the Colorado River. It is said that the entrance to the massive citadel is located ‘at the end of a tunnel that stretches for almost a mile below the surface’. However, just as the Ancient Hopi, the Macuxi Indians – indigenous people who live in the Amazon, in countries such as Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela — also speak about the Hollow Earth and how it is real. According to Macuxi legends, they are the descendants of the Sun’s children, the creator of Fire and disease and the protectors of the “inner Earth.” Until the year 1907, the Macuxies would enter some sort of cavern, and travel from 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior. It is there, “at the other side of the world, in the inner Earth” is where the Giants live, creatures that have around 3-4 meters in height. As you can see, there seem to be conclusive indicators that a place called the inner earth may actually exist. Has this been covered up as some people suggest? And could this be part of our amnesic species as Robert Sepehr suggest? “My dear wormwood, Be sure that the patient remains completely fixated on politics. Arguments, political gossip, and obsessing on the faults of people they have never met serves as an excellent distraction from advancing in personal virtue, character, and the things the patient can control. Make sure to keep the patient in a constant stage of angst, frustration, and general disdain towards the rest of the human race in order to avoid any kind of charity or inner peace from further developing. Ensure the patient continues to believe that the problem is “out there” in the “broken system” rather than recognizing there is a problem with himself. Keep up the good work, Uncle Screwtape.” — by C.S. Lewis 1942 “Screwtape Letters” This was back in 1942, when people still depended mainly on Newspapers, and the biggest distraction was probably the one channel they had on their black and white TVs. Today we have the internet, HD TVs with million channels, Computers, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Games, and all of those are accessible from Smart phones you wear in your pockets; Clubs, alcohol, drugs, music that focuses on status, gossip, power; Malls on every 5 miles with shops containing millions of things to buy; Distractions on every corner, propaganda on every device, crystallized schedule of lifestyle and people craving for the weekend, countless addictions and medications that keep you a customer; we have poisons in our food, air, water, scarce of alternatives and social pressure to look perfect in the eyes of the public… There are SO MANY THINGS just to keep you distracted from that deep void you feel inside yourself. Because until you have that “problem” inside yourself you will be a customer, you will spend your energy in a profitable way for them. If you, somehow, solve the real problem inside you, the belief that you are not enough to be yourself, then the energy you have is all yours. They will lose a slave. The plan to enslave all humanity is put into action a long time ago. It’s working, today better than ever before. And people don’t even realize they've been slaves for a long time. Some even take pride in their slavery. |
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September 2024
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