While browsing the Apollo Mission page, passing the images, I came across this image, that immediately aroused my attention. In it, we can clearly see a huge cigar-shaped UFO and a smaller UFO, in blue color. Take a look.
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A pair of Ukrainian researchers say the mysterious structure is far older than the accepted claim that it was built during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre between 2558–2532 BC. Source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk The encounter between the strange objects occurred directly in front of the International Space Station. People who watched the video capture of the event said that it was weird that NASA did not cut the feed earlier. In the past, people watching the feed have said they have seen something strange, and the feed is abruptly cut off. Source: https://www.disclose.tv via streetcap1 and Varbage Archaeologists have discovered in China a 4,300-year-old city, which has a 70-meter-high pyramid and 24-hectare pyramid, and traces of human sacrifice. Source: https://www.livescience.com Some conspiracy theorists believe that to cause incredible unrest among the population, including uncertainty and curiosity, may be the hiding place of alleged extraterrestrial entities that collaborate with the United States government. Source:https://www.segnidalcielo.it/gruppi-di-extraterrestri-si-sono-nascosti-nellhangar-1-a-moffett-airfield-california/ At the bottom of the Pacific deep sea, a diving robot has discovered a series of mysterious tracks that cannot be explained geologically. Source: https://www.disclose.tv The witness took photographs of the sunset when he came across this phenomenon. She writes. I just have a photo which looks suspicious. Can you verify it as a UFO weather event? Source: Mufon A PERSON claiming to have been kidnapped by aliens has come forward to reveal bizarre details of their “abduction”. Source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk Three drawings, incised on three sheets of gold, have been discovered in a massive black granite sarcophagus in Alexandria, Egypt. Source: https://www.livescience.com Witnesses spotted three luminous UFOs in the forest near Jons. the UFOs looked like they were looking for someone or something. Source: Mufon |
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